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He heard ghd nz talk a lot of nonsense, but more to the more he felt ridiculous.The people think of the GHD as he grew up with will know all about him?That he married her later to tell her everything?Master couldn't resist attack GHD, and he ordered him not to move.He decided to leave here after shall punish him.Then it happened as fast as lightning.Reed attacked the McMaster, like his son.He was not surprised.He saw the master to Reed raised his wand, he cannot allow, then kill him.

He caught the ghd hair straighteners, think she will quietly hide in there, he'll give the disguised as' Reed 'wizards a lesson.And so he killed the wizard, and then took her son to leave here.Then he'll let her keep her do stupid things.Tom turned back, squatting in front of GHD, kiss it for her hair, gently said: "GHD, you should go back to my side, and Reed, we are one family should be together.I come back, you are not happy?"

After ten minutes, ghd purple and Dumbledore find her.Ghd got scared and didn't close, Dumbledore quickly as she checked her, sighed and said: "nothing, she just fainted."He waved his magic wand woke her up.Ghd clutching his aching head up, haven't talk Reed threw herself into her arms. Mom, she hugged the child, glanced both stay, said: "I fell into the sewers to?"


